Jet Card

Jet Card

Our Jet Card Programs unlock the full experience of owning an aircraft without unexpected costs or commitments. You call the shots with no hidden fees, monthly dues, or capital purchase commitments. Experience the ultimate flexibility when selecting your aircraft. Use the hours when you want and add our concierge services when you need them.

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Lincoln Jet Card

Our Jet Card Programs unlock the full experience of owning an aircraft without unexpected costs or commitments. You call the shots with no hidden fees, monthly dues, or capital purchase commitments. The Jet Card is fully tailored to your needs. With the flexibility of selecting the best aircraft for your mission, you have the freedom to use your hours on your terms. There are three Jet Card Programs Available to suit any luxury travel plans.

  • Executive
  • Premier
  • All-Access

Jet Card Program Highlights

Executive Deposit Program

  1. Best hourly market rate at the time of booking
  2. 24-month commitment
  3. 50% refundable after 1 year
  4. Choice of aircraft size
  5. Deposit never expires

Premier Deposit Program

  1. Capped hourly market rate at the time of booking
  2. 12-month commitment
  3. 75% refundable after  1 year
  4. Choice of aircraft size
  5. Deposit never expires

All-Access Deposit Program

  1. Fixed hourly rates
  2. 12-month commitment
  3. 90% refundable at any time
  4. Choice of aircraft size
  5. Fuel, taxes, and fees included
  6. Deposit never expires
Jet Card

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